ASTM Axial Fatigue of Stent
This work is related to an ASTM F04.30.06 subcommittee activity to develop a standard based on the Fatigue to Fracture methodology. The idea of [...]
This work is related to an ASTM F04.30.06 subcommittee activity to develop a standard based on the Fatigue to Fracture methodology. The idea of [...]
You can download our presentation where we give results from recent in-vitro tests and advanced finite element analysis simulations as an example of a comprehensive [...]
Radial force behavior is one of many engineering design criteria important to the design of implantable medical devices such as stents. Interpretation and extrapolation [...]
You can download a presentation of emerging transcatheter devices and technologies that I put together from the engineering design perspective that includes AAA solutions, [...]
The transformation behavior of Nitinol under uniaxial tension and four-point bending was investigated. A novel sample geometry produced from drawn tubing was used to [...]
Nitinol is well suited to the design constraints imposed by medical device applications, however, only modest progress has so far been made regarding long [...]