Prepare For Open Heart Surgery IV


Each person’s heart is different and so each individual recovery is different.  You need to know what to expect and have a plan in place for your recovery.  Many details can be managed up front, but it is most important that you take an active part in living your recovery.

Resources will be most plentiful and accessible just after your surgery.  Take advantage of them.  Dr Lytle’s staff offered a Reiki session before I left the hospital.  Friends and family will make offers to help with cooking and getting you from place to place.  Be open and receive while you focus on recovering.

Physical therapy was indicated for me.  Not only for my split sternum but also a lacerated breast muscle.  I wasn’t able to write or lift anything for weeks.  So I customized my physical therapy and began with seated poses in yoga.  I built flexibility and strength in my lower body and benefited from deep relaxing breath.  The Pawanmuktahsana series continues to be one of my favourite warm-up routines.

Yoga and meditation were important for me throughout my recovery and beyond.  So was eating clean, fresh food.  These elements entwine and can repair the fiber of your being.